Welcome to the
Let’s build a remote cleaning business from your laptop and change everything for you and your family.
(While saving YEARS on crippling mistakes.)
Rohan has helped 1,320 people like you (and counting) build 6,7, and 8 figure companies from their living rooms

4.98/5 From 3,000+ students
Here are a few folks that have scaled to millions…
combined our community does $250 million dollars per year
(This is not $7 dropshipping)

Learning this model will absolutely change your life – it changed mine.
There’s a shift happening in entrepreneurship
We can all remember when everyone was selling tshirts and dropshipping trinkets online.
The days of just throwing up a landing page and linking to instagram for INSTANT results are over…
You need to focus on building a truly sustainable business
Having an Real Business that Solves a Problem for Hungry Buyers
Having a High Converting Landing Page That CONVERTS Like Wildfire while your competition looks like it’s still 1998
Having real online systems like credit card processing and online booking-> We Run That All For You 😉
Having a real competitive edge in a real business right from your laptop
And after generating over $20 Million online with local services
And building a community where the members now generate over $250 million per YEAR …
And building my own cleaning company to 8 figures…
And speaking on stages around the world…
And being recognized in the Top 100 African Americans by the Root…
And being invited to the White House for my entrepreneurship work
And scaling 3 other businesses to 7 figures…
You REALLY can make things happen starting from scratch!
But you need the right team behind YOU!
Lucky for you you’ve foudn all that, and here’s a chance to build a real business that ACTUALLY changes your life
We’re the best to achieve that.
“I would pay a lot more money to be a part of this.”
– Toria, founder of Green Maids Detroit

Success isn’t awesome if you can’t bring your community along. So for the last decade I’ve been supporting entrepreneurs right from my home

Between online and in person mentorship we’ve grown a group of truly amazing business owners that will support you on the way.

Rohan has done national and international speaking engagements around entrepreneurship and startups for over a decade.

Ebony Awards
Collecting our award for entrepreneurship from ebony magazine.

Top 100 African Americans
Rohan was voted Top 100 Most Influential African Americans from the Root Magazine for his impact on the culture.

White House Invite
Rohan was recognized for his achievements and invited to the White House.

Our shared goals
The program is laid out so you can launch within 27 days of today. Fast launch and quick time to first paying customer
The goal is building a 6 figure business in the first year, with an additional $3k to $10k in income in the first 6 months.
We’ll help craft your niche, geographical area, and service lines so you can hit the ground running.
The community is filled with millionaire entrepreneurs, and we’ll introduce you and get you going.
Inside The $20 Million Dollar Live Business Bootcamp:
A sneak peak into the next 27 days…

We tackle the cognitive errors that lead to us overthinking or going down a downward spiral of inaction. Set ourselves up to win.

Home cleaning, lawncare, dog walking, pool service…we look at multiple home service niches and help choose yours .

Business Formation
In one day we tackle your LLC, EIN, business formation, and get you set up for success.

Business name
Domain, business name, trademark checks, and figuring out what elements go into choosing a great name.

We give you a website and get you set up with one click. Technically savvy or not it doesn’t matter, our themes can be used by anyone.

DAY 6 through Day 27
Payments to Launch
22 more days that include everything from setting up credit card payments to booking form, all the way to LAUNCH DAY! .
Drill & exercises at every step
The real power in this framework is that every step along the way you’re taking action. Step by step, day by day, so that at the end of the first month you have a real business that is ready to take on your first customer.
When those 27 days are up, your lifetime access will allow you to go back and brush up on anything you have missed and take advantage of new courses that are added every month.
There’s nothing with more proven success on the internet!

Supportive Online Community
A super important component of this program is the community.
These are folks that built 6,7, and 8 figure businesses that are there to help and keep you on track…
…AND to give you a safe space, to doubt yourself, pick up, and keep going!

“From zero to my first million dollars in 24 months.”
– Ryan, founder of Energy Maids

Learn in the Builder’s Lab Community
Hey, Rohan here. The Lab is where I spend most of my time.
For the last 10 years I’ve been on a mission to help as many people as possibly redefine what it means to create and build a new life.
Success for me is measured by how many successful people I can help along their path.
So I created The Builder’s Lab so that I could live in more community with thepeople that want to connect with me and other builders.
But getting to the next level requires more than a pre-recorded 7 day course.
Building real world businesses requires an immersion in marketing, customer acquisition, relationship building, and continued self-improvement.
The only way to get you on that journey is through us staying connected along the full journey.
The Builders Lab Community is where we do that.
To that end I’m super active in the community making sure that you are best prepared to win.
We have weekly mindset calls, 1:on:1 sessions, case studies, special guest calls, sprints, and more.
I also add more courses and programs to keep you continually leveling up.
The Builders Lab is where real entrepreneurs are made.
And even better – it’s a space for us to become better at life.
“I would pay a lot more money to be a part of this.”
– Christina Tegbe, founder of Sofresh Maids

So… how does this work?
Tap into our shared insight
The incredible thing about this framework is that you’re going to be identifying your strengths and weaknesses as you go – and you’ll know exactly where to improve.
Even when the 27 days is up, your lifetime access will allow you to refer back whenever you want, and go through a specific lecture or exercise.
Let’s say you feel like you’re not being enthusiastic enough…
Just refer to the marketing videos go through the exercise, and watch as the improvements happen!

Tap into our shared insight
Along the way you’ll connect with other entrepreneurs that have done it and can support you along the way.
No need for overthinking or worrying or feeling overwhelmed when there’s an entire group of people cheering on your every move.
Tap into our shared insight
We solve your entire funnel in real time with you, from your website, to online booking, to real time scheduling, to credit card integration, to email marketing templates…and entire business funnel booked up and ready to go.
By the end of the month you’re ready to launch and scale with the systems in place to get you there

Here’s what students say about my our live program…

“I would pay a lot more money to be a part of this.”
– John Doe, founder of Blabla
“I would pay a lot more money to be a part of this.”
– John Doe, founder of Blabla

“Nicovi Built a 6-Figure Business Right out of high school”
– Nicovi founder of Tampa Maids
“But what if I don’t have much time?”
Our focus is life-changing businesses…and anything meaningful is going to take some work and time.
…when I started I still had a full time job and it took me 8 months of starting my business to never work for someone else again.
So our reminder is that we work intensely for a year or two to never have to work again.
I’ll trade any amount of time to hit that goal. You have time. Let’s go!!!
“I would pay a lot more money to be a part of this.”
– John Doe, founder of Blabla
Questions & Answers
Who, specifically, is this program for?
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Can I really be successful?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel molestie diam. Duis ultricies vestibulum nisl. Etiam egestas nisi volutpat tellus varius, a congue nibh tempus. Vestibulum dictum, dolor non tincidunt varius, mi diam pretium nulla, vitae faucibus ante nulla id nunc.
What if I still have a full time job?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel molestie diam. Duis ultricies vestibulum nisl. Etiam egestas nisi volutpat tellus varius, a congue nibh tempus. Vestibulum dictum, dolor non tincidunt varius, mi diam pretium nulla, vitae faucibus ante nulla id nunc.